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NFTs and their popularity (15th Mar 22 at 7:49am UTC)
How have NFTs become so famous in recent times?
In the shifting gears of the investing business, crypto has taken a place, and NFTs, in particular, are on the increase. In the present context, NFTs are becoming more popular and helpful. The emergence of NFTs in the recent year, namely in 2021, has resulted in an extraordinary economic boom.

In 2021, the entire global market revenue of the NFT industry was expected to reach $41 billion. The upward trend is expected to continue in the next years, with only greater prospects and growth for the industry's investors and producers. The NFT world is highly versatile and changes with each of its use cases, allowing for additional expansion in the sector's streamlined, narrow divisions.

The NFT marketplace serves as the NFT projects' online commerce. They differ according on the niche area of the target audience they are attempting to reach. Some have combined numerous industries into a single marketplace, while others have designated locations devoted to a certain specialization.
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